Sunday, August 22, 2010

"Strict standards : Non-static methods called statically" Error after Joomla Installation

Recently I'm merely setting up a test site on localhost to check out Joomla features. After the installation, there are tons of Strict standards errors appear on my screen when I browse to Joomla homepage. I tried to reinstall several times but it still gave me the same errors.

Finally, I found something useful on Joomla! Discussion Forums.

To solve this issue, simply change the following configuration in your php.ini file.
  1. Change error_reporting = E_ALL | E_STRICT to error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_STRICT
  2. Change display_errors = On to display_errors = Off

Remember to restart your Apache server after the changes. You should be able to view to Joomla! homepage now.

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